The Beauty Of Ballet, DVD

The Beauty Of Ballet, DVD
The Beauty Of Ballet, DVD

The Beauty Of Ballet, DVD

Normaler Preis CHF 97.00
  • Kostenlose Lieferung innerhalb der Schweiz
  • 3-5 Tage Lieferzeit
  • Kauf auf Rechnung möglich
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  • Auf Lager
inkl. MwSt.

Marke: The Australian Ballet

Variante: DVD


PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNGEN Bringing together five classic productions from The Australian Ballet, this special collection explores the beauty of ballet by uniting spectacular choreography, stunning set design, premier dancers and sumptuous musical scores. Five very different worlds are assembled, all of which are guaranteed to enthral viewers for their visual charm and powerful narrative. As well as the classics Giselle, Coppélia and La Fille mal gardée, the collection also includes Sir Kenneth MacMillan's acclaimed take on the tragic love story Manon as well as László Seregi's epic account of the Roman soldier Spartacus. Works: Delibes - Coppélia Adam - Giselle Massenet - Manon Hérold - La Fille mal Gardée Khachaturián - Spartacus PRESS REVIEWS "...graceful, beautiful and moving, action-packed and highly entertaining." (The Telegraph-Mirror - Manon) "…has to be counted as one of the most beautiful ballet productions in the world today." (The Washington Times - Giselle) "Phenomenal dramatic other staging in recent memory has built upon such detail with such dramatic coherence." (The New York Times - Giselle) "Comedy, pathos and lyricism unite in choreographic perfection to create one of the masterpieces in the 20th century ballet repertoire." (The Herald - La Fille mal gardée) "The Australian Ballet production is a Roman epic with many spectacular elements." (The Herald - Spartacus) "This Coppelia is a traditional ballet from start to finish and one that is timeless in the way of all the best-loved fairytales." (The Sunday Telegraph - Coppélia) Cast Lisa Pavane (Coppelia) Christine Walsh (Giselle) Justine Summers (Manon) Fiona Tonkin (Lise) Stephen Heathcote (Spartacus) The Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra (Coppélia); The Elizabethan Melbourne Orchestra (Giselle);Adelaide Symphony Orchestra (Manon); State Orchestra of Victoria (La Fille mal Gardée; Spartacus) ; Noel Smith; Ormsby Wilkins (Spartacus) Designer: Coppélia (Kristian Fredrikson), Giselle(Peter Farmer), Manon (Peter Farmer), La Fille mal Gardée (Osbert Lancaster), Spartacus (Gábor Forray) Choreographer: Coppélia (Arthur Saint-Léon), Giselle(Marius Petipa), Manon(Sir Kenneth MacMillan), La Fille mal Gardée(Frederick Ashton), Spartacus(László Seregi) Catalogue Number: OAF4030BD Running Time: 541 minutes Sound: Stereo Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Label: Opus Arte

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